Tag Archives | #brusslessprouts

Brussels Sprouts and Toasted Hazelnuts

I love Brussels sprouts and I love hazelnuts. So I blistered them, together, in a very hot oven – 425F.  First I coated them with a generous teaspoon of olive oil, then I spread them on a lined tray and I left them to crisp and toast in the oven for 35 minutes. When they came out, all perfectly crunchy and dark brown, I sprinkled them with sea salt. My kids couldn’t stop popping them into their little greedy mouths. By the time we sat for dinner none were left in the bowl. I certainly didn’t mind since Brussels sprouts are the fierce generals of the crucifers. These green tasty veggies command loads of powerful antioxidants and vitamins designed to boost our immune system. I always feel better when I know my defense won’t quit on me and my family. Don’t forget to make your daily call. #RESIST

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